Karna saya sedang buntu inspirasi. Jangakan syair, puisi pun sedang macet. Apalagi Novel, cerpen, cerbung, kata cinta, kata bijak, atau kata mutiara.
Daripada corat-coret tembok tetangga, bisa-bisa kena marah pak RT, lebih baik mending sisihkan 1 post untuk dicorat-coret.
Ini memang bukan postingan, tapi lebih mirip dikatakan curhat tidak jelas. Ya sebutlah begitu jika mau.
Kalau tidak mau dan kesal membaca post ini. Silahkan saja menuju link dibawah. Kalau mau itu juga. Haha...
0. Diklik menyesal, tidak diklik dapat lamunan.
1. Google.ind
2. Yahoo.ind
3. Blog gak jelas!
4. Susah diklik
5. AlexA, BlexB, ClexC,...,...,ZlexZ lu!
Sekian corat-coretnya. Mudah-mudahan ini postingan jadi postingan terfenomenal, terpopuler dan terGaJe se dunia maya ini.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Changes To Somebody
Do you have problems of life? That's because the weight until we have bounced into a slump. And whether the downturn because we feel there is a change in ourselves or in the loved ones who surround us? Up to now we do not feel comfortable to live the rest of life there. Not as comfortable as when we live our lives before we approached the aggravation.
Indeed, every human being in this world must have or had experienced what it was called was thrown into a slump because kubang a live issue. Possible for him who always lived his life over issues that are not familiar to recognize. And that's a change that happened to him. Whether it's a massive change or change very very little on himself or on loved ones nearby. And the age of the change itself will usually survive in him there for a while that, or there really is to forever be a permanent resident in the rest of his life which still exist today.
As to whether the proposed changes? A downturn could actually bring us turn into another person who is very familiar to us personally or for your loved ones who have been so good to know us. And the fruit of change itself turns terbibit of the underlying three things. And three it is none other than our own attitude in the face of such adversity. And those three things are;
1. Weak.
For those of us who are weak, others will be more annoying than ever before, in the weakness.
2. Tough.
For those of us who brave, others will be more submissive than ever before, in the toughness.
3. Adults.
For us adults, others will be better than ever before, in the maturity.
From there, if now we feel had or is having one of them? Or is it from among their loved ones who are around us who was living there?
Say to them that or at least to ourselves that major. Like what they always sung by the wise men in general, that life is for learning. So now make a slump it as a lesson for us tuk for tomorrow! Fact of the matter itupulalah because we can mature our lives.
Indeed, every human being in this world must have or had experienced what it was called was thrown into a slump because kubang a live issue. Possible for him who always lived his life over issues that are not familiar to recognize. And that's a change that happened to him. Whether it's a massive change or change very very little on himself or on loved ones nearby. And the age of the change itself will usually survive in him there for a while that, or there really is to forever be a permanent resident in the rest of his life which still exist today.
As to whether the proposed changes? A downturn could actually bring us turn into another person who is very familiar to us personally or for your loved ones who have been so good to know us. And the fruit of change itself turns terbibit of the underlying three things. And three it is none other than our own attitude in the face of such adversity. And those three things are;
1. Weak.
For those of us who are weak, others will be more annoying than ever before, in the weakness.
2. Tough.
For those of us who brave, others will be more submissive than ever before, in the toughness.
3. Adults.
For us adults, others will be better than ever before, in the maturity.
From there, if now we feel had or is having one of them? Or is it from among their loved ones who are around us who was living there?
Say to them that or at least to ourselves that major. Like what they always sung by the wise men in general, that life is for learning. So now make a slump it as a lesson for us tuk for tomorrow! Fact of the matter itupulalah because we can mature our lives.
We can not be perfect. But we can be the first.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Jalani Mencinta Sesuai Hakekat
Sementara bumi berputar. Selama itu juga kita berpikir cerdas tuk mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi kita. Senang memang. Namun sudah kah sama berpikir tentang mimpi orang lain? Setidaknya ia orang-orang yang berada disekitar kita.
Ingatlah, terkadang mimpi kita tersimpan didalam dan bertautan dengan mimpi orang lain. Tak ada salahnya singkirkan dahulu ego kita tuk bahagiakan orang lain. Karna kebahagian yang sejati kita datang dari kebahagian orang yg telah kita bahagiakan.
We can not be perfect. But we can be the first.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Tertunda karena sakit Kepala, kembali berkarya karna Bodrex.
Dunia maya sekarang bukan lah dunia yang aneh lagi bagi segala kalangan di muka bumi ini. Mungkin kini sudah menjadi trend yang tidak bisa dianggap remeh lagi. Karna dunia maya menyediakan hal-hal yang mungkin tidak ada atau tidak bisa ditampilkan di dunia nyata. Dan banyak lagi alasan-alasan lain yang menyebabkan Dunia Maya atau istilah publiknya adalah “Internet” menjadi sebuah trend wajib disegala kalangan masyarakat luas.
Seperti saya. Dunia maya menjadi dunia kedua bagi saya. Setelah dunia nyata. Dimana disini saya bisa menyalurkan hobby menulis saya. Tapi terkadang ada masanya hobby saya ini membuat kepala saya pusing. Karna terlalu keras memikirkan bagaimana membuat tulisan yang bagus. Belum lagi permasalahan seputar pekerjaan saya di dunia nyata, tentu saja membuat kepala saya menjadi pusing.
Membicarakan soal pusing kepala. Saya pernah mengalami pusing yang sangat hebat. Dikarenakan seharian penuh saya harus diam di depan komputer dengan maksud ingin menyelesaikan naskah novel-novel saya dalam jangka waktu seminggu saja. Alhasil, kepala saya terasa berputar hebat. Jangankan untuk meneruskan naskah-naskah novel itu, untuk melihat ke monitor saja saya tidak sanggup. Disini lah peranan seorang ibu yang kasih sayangnya melebihi segalanya di jagat raya ini tersebut berada. Beliau tahu saya. Dengan wajahnya yang sedikit panik, ia berkata; “Hobby menulis, boleh-boleh saja, tapi kesehatan lah yang utama!” ujar beliau sembari memberikan segelas air putih hangat dan Bodrex. Dari apa yang beliau katakan. Dari apa yang selalu beliau suguhkan pertama kali ketika setiap kali saya diserang sakit kepala. Semua itu terus teringat sampai sekarang. Segelas air hangat dan bodrex pun menjadi hal yang tak bisa terpisahkan dari saya ketika saya diserang sakit kepala. Bodrex memang juaranya cepat hilangkan sakit kepala. Dari mulai sakit kepala ringan sampai sakit kepala terhebat yang pernah saya alami.
Semenjak ibu tercinta menyuguhkan kasih sayang dan perhatiannya yang dibalut nyata lewat segelas air hangat dan bodrex. Naskah-naskah novel saya akhirnya bisa mencapai harapan saya. Saya akhirnya bisa menyelesaikan tiga naskah novel saya dalam satu minggu saja. Amazing bagi saya sendiri. Semua tercapai berkat kasih sayang seorang Ibu, Segelas air hangat, juga yang terpenting setelah Ibu, adalah Bodrex.
We can not be perfect. But we can be the first.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Free Domain web.id. Promo ini hanya sampai bulan Agustus 2013.
Pena Weekend: Free Domain web.id. Promo ini hanya sampai bulan A...: Ramadhan bulan berkah. Mendekati bulan Ramadhan saja kemarin ini membawa berkah, dimana saya berhenti bekerja dari suatu tempat, tapi ta...
We can not be perfect. But we can be the first.
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